Are you interested in a career that is centered around helping people? Mental health is vital for quality health and wellbeing.
Join us for an in-depth look at various mental health career pathways by examining an actual case example of a person in crisis. The case study begins with a call to law enforcement for a person in a mental health crisis. Participants will follow the patient from the first law enforcement interaction through the emergency department, to inpatient and finally outpatient care learning from various mental health professionals who interact with the patient
along the way.
Saturday May 20, 9 AM to noon, Wenatchee Valley College – Mish ee twie Building. All students welcome, grades 6 – 12 and college from any school.Breakfast, snacks and refreshments will be provided. Free to attend! Space is limited, so please RSVP: https://BIT.LY/OCCUPATION-EXPLORATION