“Yet” is a powerful word, and was central to a SkillSource staff training on April 19 led by Hana Butler of Nash Consulting. A fixed mindset suggests we are as we are, unable to change or grow. A fixed mindset says “I can’t do that.” A growth mindset suggests “I can’t do that … yet.”

As an organization that is rooted in skills training to help others achieve self-sufficiency and success, it is imperative that our own team be continually learning, too. This full day workshop brought together all staff members from Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Adams, and Okanogan counties. We explored ways to access and develop a growth mindset through collaborative conversation, and hands-on group activities like who could construct the tallest free-standing structure out of spaghetti and a marshmallow. (Curious? It’s called the Marshmallow Challenge.)

The intention for the all staff training was to provide useful, transferrable skills by highlighting the differences between a fixed and a growth mindset — how the former shows up as a need for control, or defensiveness, or a general sense of lack, and how the latter shows up as curiosity, playfulness, and a general sense of abundance. Hana walked staff through three key habits that help nurture a growth mindset in ourselves, which helps us better interact with one another and with the communities we serve.

  • Habit #1 – Encourage Experimentation
  • Habit #2 – Reward And Value Progress
  • Habit #3 – Actively Learn From Others

SkillSource would like to thank North Central Educational Service District for the use of their beautiful conference space that overlooks the Columbia River. And thank you to our managing director, Susan Adams, for coordinating the day’s valuable training so we can all keep growing!