Our regularly held workshops help you explore careers and learn new skills without committing a lot of your time. Contact your local center for more information and check our events calendar for upcoming offerings.
Before you begin any journey, you need to know where you’re starting from. The ACE workshop will help you to start taking stock of what you need to successfully manage your career. Assess your interests and aptitudes, personality traits and abilities, and see how they factor into job success. Research the labor market and employment and training options and develop a plan necessary to achieve your career goals.
Let’s face it, in today’s job market, you need computer skills. We can help you learn foundational computer skills to manage your work search and training. Topics include using computing devices, navigating an operating system, creating a document using word processing software, basic email functions, and using the Internet.
If the opportunity for your dream job comes tomorrow, will you be ready? Learning how to present your skills, abilities and knowledge in resumés, cover letters and job interviews are basic skills for successfully managing your career.
Get set up for success in your new career! These workshops cover a variety of topics to help career seekers of all ages build skills needed for getting and keeping jobs. Topics include communication, time management, problem solving, customer service excellence, and professional conduct.
You wouldn’t buy a car before taking it for a test drive, right? Why not test drive a career? Learn about careers and workplaces in your community through guest speaker events, worksite tours, and even job shadows. SkillSource will provide activities, tools and resources for you to align your skills and interests with career fields, identify a training pathway, and look for related jobs. Call us for more information, (509) 663-3091.
SkillSource is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. WA Relay 711.
Read the Equal Opportunity Notice